What are the Benefits of Curry Leaves?
Curry leaves are natural flavouring agents with a number of important health benefits, which make your food both healthy and tasty along with giving it a pleasant aroma. They contain various antioxidant properties and have the ability to control diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, excessive acid secretion, peptic ulcers, dysentery, diabetes, and an unhealthy cholesterol balance. They are also believed to have cancer-fighting properties and are known to protect the liver.
The leaves have always been sought after for their unique flavour and usefulness in cooking, but there are also a number of health benefits that make them highly appealing. The leaves can be dried or fried, depending on the intended use. The fresh form is also very popular, both for cooking and herbal medicines. In Ayurvedic medicine, curry leaves are believed to have several medicinal properties. They are considered to have anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and hepatoprotective (capability to protect the liver from damage) properties. The roots are used for treating body aches and the bark is used for snake bite relief.
What is the medicinal importance of curry leaves?
Curry leaves are antihelminthic, meaning can kill roundworm parasites in the intestine. The methanolic extract of the curry leaves, Murraya keonigii was shown to kill parasite worms.
Curry leaves are rich in anti oxidants and anti microbial properties.
Antioxidants: Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. The antioxidants which are present in high percentages help in purifying the blood, the effect being a beautiful radiance to the skin.
Bone health: Calcium content in the body can be increased by consuming curry leaves as they are rich in vitamin C.
Anti Cancer: A recent research has proved that curry leaves have compounds like carbazole alkaloids that have anti carcinoma properties.
Curry leaves help reduce the blood sugar level in the human body.
Roasted curry leaves prevent nausea.
Ayurveda: Different branches of medicine like Ayurveda use curry leaves as a cure for piles, to relieve the heat in the body and also to cure a few blood disorders.
Skin: Curry leaves are also used as a cure for skin rashes and allergies.
Insect Stings: Berries of curry leaves are either green or purple in colour. By mixing the juice of these berries with equal amounts of lemon juice, can be used for insects stings, eruptions and urticaria.
How to use Curry Leaves?
Grey Hair: Curry Leaves can help us deal with our day to day issues like hair fall. Greying of hair etc and there are a few tricks and tips to use them.To prevent the greying of hair, heat some coconut oil, or any oil to be applied to the hair and add some curry leaves to it. Remove the curry leaves when they turn black in colour. Store this oil in a glass container and apply it before going to bed or at least 4-5 hours before a hair wash. This nourishes the hair roots so well that it prevents premature ageing of hair and also acts as a stimulant for hair growth.
Nausea: Pregnant women suffering from morning sickness can take curry leaves added in lemon juice to reduce the problem in a herbal and natural way instead of taking medicines that may have side effects. This can be tried by any person suffering from nausea or vomiting.
Stomach problems: Consuming curry leaves and buttermilk is a home remedy to a troubled stomach. Curry leaves mixed with ginger and rice and consumed in the morning along with water will reduce stomach disorders, dizziness and constipation.
Cooking: Last but not the least, curry leaves are widely used in Indian cooking. It is used in some yummy preparations of chutneys, rasam, vada, some flavoured rice etc.
View the best dishes cooked with Curry Leaves
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